Urodziła się w Łomży. Studiowała dziennikarstwo na Uniwersytecie Warszawskim
(dyplom w 1965). W latach 1967-1994 mieszkała w Stanach Zjednoczonych.
Studiowała reklamę i grafikę w State University of New York. W 1981 roku
otrzymała dyplom w dziedzinie reklamy. W latach 1994-2004 mieszkała i
pracowała w Szwajcarii. Od 2004 roku mieszka w Warszawie. Brała udział
w ponad 150 wystawach zbiorowych. Zajmuje się malarstwem i grafiką. Zrealizowała
wiele wystaw indywidualnych
w Stanach Zjednoczonych, Francji, Szwajcarii i Polsce. Jej prace znajdują
w zbiorach na całym świecie, między innymi w: National Museum of Women
in Arts, Washington; Muzeum Narodowym w Warszawie, Muzeum Sztuki w Łodzi,
Muzeum Okręgowym w Chełmie, Muzeum Sztuki Nowoczesnej w Hunfeld (Niemcy),
MIT Musseum, Cambridge; New England Center for Contemporary Art (USA),
Tucson Museum of Fine Arts (USA).
Curriculum Vitae de HANNA ZAWA-CYWINSKI
Né en Pologne en 1939, naturalisée l'Etats Unis depuis 1973
Adresse permanente (depuis 2003): Jezierskiego 7 m29, 00457 Warszawa
Membre de VISARTE.VALAIS (Société des Artistes Visuels. Suisse)
M. A. Degree: Journalism, University of Warsaw 1965, Poland.
A. Art Degree: FIT, State University of New York SUNY 1981, New York,
Also studied at Fine Art Department, State University of New York, Purchase,
New York, and History of Art at the University of Massachusetts, Boston,
Muzeum Sztuki,Lodz, Poland
National Museum Women in Arts, Washington DC, USA; National Museum of
Art, Warsaw, Poland;
Museum Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge MA, US; Museum
Modern Art, Hunfeld/Fulda, Germany;
New England Museum of Contemporary Art, Brooklyn CT, USA; Everson Museum,
Syracuse, New York, USA;
Museum of Contemporary Art Salvador Bahia Brasil; Tucson Museum Fine Arts,
Tucson AZ, USA; Ville de Martigny, City Hall (Hôtel de Ville), Martigny,
Switzerland Museum Modern Art, Chelm, Poland;
Cabo Frio Art Fondation, Embragel, Brasil; APPLE Co. Collection Cuppertino,
MERCK Corp. Headquarters Collection, Princeton, New Jersey, USA; AMERBANK,
Headquarters,Warsaw, Poland
BAIN CO Collection, Boston, MA, USA CENTRE BD., Sierre, Switzerland
DUNN & BRADSTREET Collection , New York, USA; IBM, Armonk & New
York, N.Y, USA;
PEPSICO, Purchase, New York, USA; ITM/Valmed, Sion, Switzerland
Conseil Federal Suisse, Berne, Switzerland Museum Modern Art,coll 2003
Hanna Zawa-Cywinska "Zapisy" Galeria Brama, Gliwice, Polska
Hanna Zawa Cywinska "Zapisy" Galeria art New Media, Warszawa,
Hanna Zawa-Cywinska Malarstwo. Wizytujaca Galeria, Warszawa, Polska
2004: Hanna Zawa: "Megality" Consulate General of Poland, New
York, USA
Hanna Zawa:Menhires" Association d'Amities Franco-Polonais, Concarneau,
Finistere, France
2003: "Les megalithes" City Gallery "Studio", Warsaw,
"Les megalithes" BWA State Gallery, Zamosc, Poland
"Megality-The Megaliths" Muzeum Okregowe Torun, Poland
"Megality" Plocka Galeria Sztuki, Plock, Poland
Hanna Zawa-Cywinska: Institut Polonais, Paris, France
Hanna Zawa-Cywinska (obrazy) & Elzbieta Dzikowska (fotografie) "MEGALITY"
Muzeum Slaskie Katowice , Polska
2002: "Les megalithes" Galeria Krytykow Pokaz, Warsaw. Poland
"Les megalithes" City Museum of Fine Arts, Sanok, Poland
"Les megalithes" Museum of Modern Art, Chelm, Poland
2001: "Les Menhirs" mwr artstudio, Paderborn-Elsen, Germany
2000: Galerie Salustowicz, Bielefield, Germany
Embassy of Poland (Polnische Botschaft), Berne, Switzerland
1999: National Galery of Contemporary Art "Zacheta", Warsaw,
Galerie Manoir de Ville, Martigny, Switzerland;
Galery of Contemporary Art, Museum of North Mazowsze, Lomza, Poland
Gallery BWA, Bydgoszcz, Poland.
City Gallery of Art, Lodz, Poland.
1996: Galerie Art-Pol, Bruxelles, Belgium.
1995: Institute ITM, Sion, Valais, Switzerland;
1994: Galerie Ambuel, Sion, Valais, Switzerland;
1993: Galeria Pokaz,Warsaw, Poland;
1992: PAAS Gallery, New York City, New York, USA;
1991: Museum of Modern Art, Chelm, Poland;
Zarre Gallery, New York City, New York, USA;
Jagendorf-Bacchi Gallery, New York City, New York, USA;
Preview Gallery, New York City, New York, USA;
Studio Galerie, Haan-Gruiten, Germany;
1989: Galerie Salustowicz, Bielefeld, Germany;
Art Gallery Bielefeld Universität, Germany;
Chapman Gallery, University of Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA
1988: Art Gallery of Tennessee University, Chattanooga, Tennesee, USA;
Museum of Mississippi University, Missisipi, USA;
1987: Black Gallery, Krakow, Poland; and D&S Gallery, Warsaw, Poland;
1986: Art Museum, Ft Lauderdale, Florida,USA;
Museum of Art, Fairbanks, Alaska, USA;
Bronx Museum of Art, Bronx, New York, USA
New England Contemporary Art Center, Brooklyn Connecticut, USA;
1985: MIT Museum, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA;
1984: Art Museum, Duxbury, Massachusetts, USA.
Argumenta (coll. G.J Blum-Kwiatkowski) Galeria Atlas, Lodz, Polska
2004: "Abstract Art" Museum of Chelm, Poland
"Neue Konzepte" Kammerhofgalerie der Stadt Gmunden, Austria
"Abstract Art from Chelm Museum" Koszyce, Slovakia
2003: "Wystawa Poplenerowa" Museum of Chelm, Poland
"5th Triennale Grafiki Polskiej", Katowice, Poland
2002: "30 lat Galerii 72", Museum of Chelm, Poland
"Europa-Konkret-Reduktiv" Modern Art Museum, Hunfeld, Germany
"Europa-Konkret-Reduktiv" Muzeum Architektury, Wroclaw, Poland
"Mobile" VISARTE, Société des Artistes Visuels - Suisse, Gallerie
Ferme-Asile, Sion, Suisse.
2001: "Voil? la Pologne", Musée de la Vie Wallonne, Li?ge, Belgique.
"Voil? la Pologne", Hôtel de Ville, Luxembourg
"Voil? la Pologne", Château de Freyr-Dinant, Belgique
Galleria "Art New Media", (www.artnewmedia.com.pl) Warszawa,
"VisArte" SPSAS expo at Château de Vouvry, Porte-du-Scex, Switzerland
2000: Galerie Belotto, Warsaw, Poland.
Treffpunkt: PolnischeKunstschaffende in der Schweiz, Hochschule Wädenswil,/Zurich,
"Piotta-Mafli-Troger-Zawa" Olsommer Galerie Plaisir des Yeux,
Sierre, Switzerland
"Passages" SPSAS (Swiss Soc. Painters, Sculptors and Architects),
Les Halles, Sierre, Switzerland
1999: "Graficy" BWA, Katowice Art Gallery, Katowice, Poland.
"Graficy" BWA, State Gallery of Art, Lodz, Poland.
1998: "XXXII-éme Prix International d'Art Contemporain", Monte
Carlo, Monaco;
"Printmakers" Galeria Zacheta, Warsaw, Poland.
"Graficy" BWA Galeria Baszta, Slupsk, Poland
"Graficy" BWA, Baltic Art Gallery, Ustka, Poland
1995: "Polish Analytical Abstraction I" BWA Galeria Sztuki,
Lodz, Poland
"Polish Analytical Abstraction I" BWA Galeria Stara, Lublin,
1994: "Polish Analytical Abstraction I" BWA Galeria Awangarda
Wroclaw, Poland
1993: "Chelm Colletion"; BWA Gallery, Warsaw, Poland;
"Abstract Graphic Works from Poland" Manoa Gallery, Univ. of
Hawaii, Honolulu, USA.
1992: "Bielska Jesien", BWA, Bielsko, Poland;
1991: International Graphic Triennale, Cracow, Poland;
"Jestesmy" Galeria Zacheta, Warsaw, Poland;
"Hommage ? Stazewski": Art Centre Athens, Greece;
"Kolor w Grafice" Galeria BWA, Torun, Poland;
"Kolor w Grafice" Galeria BWA Lodz, Poland;
Homage ? Stazewski: Mail Art" Galerie L'Idee, Zoetermeer, The Netherlands;
"Polnische Kunst im der Fremde" Osteuropa Kulturzentr, Köln,
"Geometry and Mysticism in Art", Museum Modern Art, Chelm, Poland;
1989: "Homage to Stazewski" Galeria Studio, Warsaw, Poland;
"Nulldimension 1 International" Hipp-Halle, Gmunden, Austria.;
Galleria Del Arte Petroleos Mexicanos, Mexico City, Mexico;
"Freiraum 2" Kongreshaus Villa Toscana, Gmunden, Austria;
"Homage to Stazewski" Galeria Rekwizyt, Wroclaw, Poland;
"Geometry and Space", Museum of Modern Art, Chelm, Poland;
"Esposicao Internac. de Gravura" Galeria Cultura, Campinas,
1988: "Geometry in Nature", Museum Modern Art, Chelm, Poland;
1987: "Esposicao Internacional. de Gravura", Casa do Artista,
Santa Barbara d'Oeste, Brasil;
B. Kowalska: "Hanna Zawa-" PROJECT 177, 62, 6/87 (in English
& Polish), Warsaw, Poland.
"Esposicao de Gravura", ITA, Sao Jose Campos, Brasil;
1986: "First International Biennale of Prints" Somerstown Gallery,
Somers, New York, USA;
"Art Summer 86" Achievement Award, Jagiellonian Univ. Krakow,
"Art Salon: PAAS", Arsenal Gallery, New York City, New York,
"PAPELARTE" Salvador-Bahia, Brasil;
1985: "East Village Art" Andre Zarre Gallery, New York City,
New York, USA;
"IJAC"Internat. Juried Art Comp..: Outstanding Achievement Award;
Harrison, N.York, USA;
Taller Galeria Fort, Cadaques-Barcelona, Spain;
"New Prints: Northeast Juried Exhibit.": Binnewater Art Center,
Kingston, New York, USA;
"Hanga Annual '85": Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum, Tokyo, Japan;
"II Cabo Frio International Print Biennial": Embragel, Brasil;
1984: "Prints: Source & Process": Castle Gallery, New Rochelle,
New York, USA;
"New York Trends" 1 of 3 US artists chosen for Gallerie Instit.
Audio-Visuel, Paris, France; .
"Artists in the Marketplace": The Bronx Museum Arts, New York,
"Portraits Now": Gallery, Hastings, New York USA.
2003 Danuta Wroblewska: "Kamienie i Obrazy" Arteon 4(36) April
2001: Jacek Malarz: "Flirt z Kandinskym- rozmowa z Hanna Zawa"
ARTEON 11(19) 2001
2000: Haneman: "Galerie Salustowicz stelt" WESTFALEN-BLATT 29/11/00,
Bielefield, Germany
F. Schmidt: "Dialog der Gegensatze" NEUE WESTFALISCHE 7/12/00,
Bielefeld, Germany
M. Preisig: "Botschafter und Kunstbotschaften" ZURICHSEE-ZEITUNGEN,
20/6/00, Switzerland
1999: Joel Jenzer: "Spontaneité et discipline"NOUVELLISTE, 22/2/99,
Sion , Switzerland.
M. Giroud: " Hanna cache et montre" NOUVELLISTE, 11/3/99, Sion
, Switzerland.
" Hanna Zawa-Cywinska- peintures" ACCROCHAGES No. 5, p. 12,
3/99, Switzerland
Maj: "Dwie kobiety w galerii" ZYCIE WARSZAWY 25/4/99, Warsaw,
Z. Matyjek: "Tajemnicza substancja" GAZETA WYBORCZA 27/4/99,
Warsaw, Poland
M. Kutz: "Nowa Epoka-Malarstwo Hanny Cywinskiej" GAZETA WYBORCZA
30/4/99, Poland
L. Grudniak: "Butelki gozdziki i niezwykle tworzywo" ZYCIE WARSZAWY
6/5/99, Poland
1999: I. Szypulska: "H. Zawy-Cywinskiej: Niczym Muzyka" WEEKLY
PROSTO, 27/6/99 Lomza, Poland
Esz: "Znaki nastrojow", GAZETA WSPOLCZESNA, 7/7/99, Lomza, Poland
Gab: "Powrot z dzielem" KONTAKTY, 6/6/99, Lomza, Poland
A. Chmara: "Duch lubi abstrakcje" GAZETA POMORSKA 19/8/99, Bydgoszcz,
J. Pawelczak: "Studium ludzkich glow", GAZETA WYBORCZA 20/8/99,
Warsaw, Poland
S. Wierzchowska: :"Dyskurs o chaosie i porzadku" POKAZ-PISMO
KRYTYKI; 26, 6/99 Warsaw, PL
E Dzikowska : "Szwajcarska rodzina", VOYAGES, etc, etc./99Warsaw,
1994: V. Pellegrini: "L' IRCV retrouve une ?me" NOUVELLISTE
5/23/94, Sion, Switzerland.
"Hanna Zawa exposé ? L'Espace Ambuel" NOUVELLISTE, 12/17/94,
Sion, Switzerland.
1993: Robert Bugajczyk: "Tajemniczy proszek", TRYBUNA Nr.118,
8/93,Warsaw, Poland.
A. Baranowska: "Tylko Pretekst: Hanna Zawa" KOBIETA I ZYCIE
8/93: , Warsaw, Poland.
Bozena Massey:"Rygor geometrii ", OBIEG 9/10/92 Warsaw, Poland.
Bozena Massey: "Rygor Geometrii i piekno jej barw", NOWY. DZIENNIK
6/4/92, New York, USA.
Josephine Gear:"Warsaw Zacheta" ART IN AMERICA p.129-131; 2/92,
New York, NY, USA
1991: E.Dzikowska: "Emigranci w Zachecie", NOWY DZIENNIK 1/24/91,
New York, NY, USA.
1990: "Hanna Zawa aus New York" edit. HAANER TREFF 5/30/90 Haan-Gruiten
"Hanna Zawa aus New York: Ein neuse Genre" RHEINSCHE POST 21/5/90,
Düsseldorf, Germany
Marek Bartelik: "Nowojorska kronika kulturalna", NOWY DZIENNIK
3/8/90, New York, USA.
Ludwik Arendt: "Wystawa na Broadway", ZYCIE WARSZAWY2/2/90,
Warsaw, Poland.
"Hanna Zawa aus New York" edit. HAANER TREFF 5/30/90 Haan-Gruiten
"Hanna Zawa aus New York: Ein neuse Genre" RHEINSCHE POST 21/5/90,
Düsseldorf, Germany
Marek Bartelik: "Nowojorska kronika kulturalna", NOWY DZIENNIK
3/8/90, New York, USA.
Ludwik Arendt: "Wystawa na Broadway", ZYCIE WARSZAWY2/2/90,
Warsaw, Poland.
1989: "Komputer und Kollagen" WESTFALEN-BLATT, 31/44, 2/89,
Bielefield, Germany.
1986: Cz. Czaplinski: "Komputery w medycynie i sztuce" DZIENNIK
POLSKI 1/10/86, New York. USA.
Roman Mazur:"Dwa Arsenaly" NOWY DZIENNIK 11/20/86, New York
City, New York, USA.
1984: "Grass Roots: works by county artists"John Caldwell NEW
YORK TIMES,:1/15 , NewYork USA. Cornelia Cotton: "Impression",
Westchester News 4/12, New York USA.
TeresaTebor: "Wystawa prac H. Cywinskiej", NOWY DZIENNIK 11/1
New York City, N.York, USA.
Robert Taylor: "Critic's Choice Hanna Zawa-Cywinski", BOSTON
GLOBE 10/26, Boston, USA.
Mario Amaya:"Soft as Fibre: Hanna Zawa", STUDIO INTERNATIONAL
197-9;p.62-63, London, GB.
William Zimmer:"Styles Design to capture likeness " NEW YORK
TIMES 6/24/84, New York, USA.
1983: "Hanna Zawa" edit. ENTERPRISE 12/22/83, New York City,
New York, USA.
W. Grant: "High Point of the Season" : ART SPEAK pp 10, 11/16,
New York City, New York, USA.
Royston Wood: "Hanna Zawa" JOURNAL 11/30, Chappaqua, New York,
"Portraits Now": WEEKEND 11/6, Westchester, New York, USA.
Edit. "Hanna Zawa-Cywinski" NOWY DZIENNIK: 11/2, New York City,
New York, USA.;
& books:
Book-Catalogue: Hanna Zawa 48p. Galeria Wizytujaca Warszawa ISBN 83-89327-18-X
Katalog: Hanna Zawa-Cywinska "Zapisy" Galeria Art New Media.Warszawa
2004: Katalog, "The Megaliths" Consulate General Of the Rep.
of Poland, New York, USA
Katalog Galeria 72 Muzeum Chelmskie kol. Sztuki Wspolczesnej ISBN 83-914960-8-2
2003: Katalog, 5th Triennale Grafiki Polskiej", Katowice, Poland
Katalog: Galeria Sztuki Wspolczesnej, Muzeum Chelmskie, Chelm, Poland
Katalog: Anna Kroplewska-Gajewska "Trwaly Slad", Muzeum Okregowe
Torun, Poland
Katalog: Jerzy Brukwicki: "Megality" Plocka Galeria Sztuki,
Plock, Poland
Katalog: Wieslawa Wierzchowska "Megality" Muzeum Slaskie, Katowice,
2002: Katalog: Henryka Milczanowska: "Megality Hanny Zawy" Muzeum
Historyczne, Sanok, Poland
Katalog Museum Modern Art "Europa Konkret Reduktiv" Hunfeld,
2001: Book:"Slownik Malarzy Polskich",Tom 2 (Dictionary of Polish
Painters, v.2) pp410-411, Arkady,Poland
Book: E.Dzikowska"Polish Artists on the World Arts Scene" pp.296-299,
Rosikon Press,Warsaw, Poland
1999: Book-catalogue:"Hanna Zawa-Cywinska": Galeria Sztuki Wspolczesnej
Zacheta (publ.), Warsaw, Poland.
Book-catalogue:"Hanna Zawa-Cywinska": Le Manoir de la Ville
de Martigny (publ.), , Martigny, Suisse.
Book-catalogue: "Polish Analytical Abstraction 1994-1999" pp.5&33
BWA Wroclaw, publ. Poland
Hanna Zawa-Cywinska":INFORMATOR nr.1;1/99-7,Galeria Sztuki Wspolczesnej
Zacheta, Warsaw,PL.
1998: "Printmakers" Catalogue of Expo @Galeria Sztuki Wspolczesnej
Zacheta, 5/98, Warsaw, Poland.
Catalogue "XXXIIe Prix International d'Art Contemporain de Monte
Carlo" 9/98, Monte Carlo, Monaco.
1996: Portraits " Polish Artists in America", Czeslaw Czaplinski,
Rosikon Press, 1996, Warsaw, Poland
1993: Catalogue "Z chelmskiej kolekcji" Galeria rzezby, '93,
BWA, Warsaw, Poland.
Catalogue Gallery "Pokaz" SBWA, Wieslawa Wierzchowska '93, Warsaw,
1992: Catalogue, Museum of Modern Art, Josephine Gear & Bozena Kowalska
8/92, Chelm, Poland.
1991: Catalogue "Jestesmy" National Gallery of Contemporary
Art Zacheta, 1991, Warszawa, Poland
"Kolor w Grafice" Catalogue of 4-th Annual Show BWA, 1991 Torun,
"Concept / Form" Catalogue of "Homage to Stazewski"
show at Art Center 10/91, Athens, Greece.
"Polnische Kunst in der Fremde" Catalogue, Osteuropaisches Kulturzentrum
9/90, Köln, Germany.
Catalogue"Wymiar zerowy", Muzeum Architektury 1990, Wroclaw,
Catalogue" Geometria i przestrzen" Muzeum Sztuki Wspolczesnej
1990, Chelm, Poland.
1989: Catalogue"Geometria scientyzm czy mistyka"Muzeum Sztuki
Wspolczesnej 1989 Chelm, Poland
Konstructive Stromungen" Catalogue Stadtgalerie Linz 1989, Linz,
1988: Catalogue"Geometria wobec natury". Muzeum Sztuki Wspolczesnej
1988, Chelm, Poland.
"The New York Art Review" by L. Kranz, pp.1316,1319,1322, 1988,
Chicago, USA.
1987: Catalogue Black Gallery, Bozena Kowalska, Krakow 1987, Poland.
"RAN" Hanna Zawa Catalogue D&S Gallery Pawel Sosnowski,
1987 Warsaw, Poland.
1986: Catalogue "Polish-American Art Salon" Arsenal Gallery
1986; New York, USA WorldWho'sWho of Women 9th ed'86;
1985: Catalogue of the 11th International Exhibition of Prints Kanagawa,
1985, Japan.
Catalogue of "Exposicion Mini-Gravat", Cadaques, 1985, Spain.
"The International Register of Profiles" 8th World ed. 1985:
Cambridge, England. 1984: Catalogue of the 4th Annual Exhibition, The
Bronx Museum of the Arts, '84, New York, USA
Catalogue 10th International. Exhibition of Prints, Kanagawa '84, Japan.
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